P15 - The University of Cambridge (UCAM) | United Kingdom
Key contact person: Prof. William John (Bill) Clegg
The University of Cambridge, UCAM, founded in 1209, is a world class University involved in both teaching and research over all subjects in the Sciences and the Humanities. Knowledge transfer and collaboration with industry is supported by Cambridge Enterprise, a separate entity within the University. The Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy (http://www.msm.cam.ac.uk) has been consistently ranked top of Materials Departments in the UK and, recently, in the world. It has approximately 20 staff members and about 140 postgraduates, with extensive numerical modelling, mechanical testing and characterization facilities.
UCAM will contribute to H2020 IL TROVATORE through the research group on Ceramics and Inorganic materials (https://www.msm.cam.ac.uk/people/clegg), coordinated by Prof. W.J. Clegg. Prof. Clegg pioneered the use of high-temperature micropillar compression as means of studying plasticity in complex, brittle crystals, such as nitride-based hard coatings, compound semiconductors, oxides and MAX phases. Since 1992, he has been involved in projects funded by the EU (e.g., FP7 ACCMET, FP7 Multilayer, etc.), NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organisation) Japan and EPSRC in the UK, as well as carrying out collaborative research with a number of major European industries. More precisely, the research group will address the temperature dependence of the mechanical behaviour (esp. deformability) of candidate coating materials, such as various doped oxides and MAX phase-based materials in WP4.