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P12 - Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH) | Sweden

Key contact person: Prof. Pär Olsson


Kungliga Tekniska Hӧgskolan, KTH, is responsible for one third of Sweden’s capacity for technical research and is the country’s largest organizer of technical/engineering education at University level. KTH is organized into 10 Schools, each covering a major field of engineering science. KTH education and research covers a broad spectrum: from natural sciences to all branches of engineering plus architecture, industrial economics, urban planning, work science and environmental technology. In addition to the research carried out by KTH’s Schools, a large number of national Competence Centers are located at KTH. Various research foundations also finance a number of research programs. There are 11300 full year-equivalent undergraduate students, over 1700 active research students and 3400 full time-equivalent employees. At present, KTH is involved in more than 200 ongoing EU projects.

Within IL TROVATORE, KTH will participate through the research group on Reactor Physics, led by Associate Prof. P. Olsson. The research group ( has a long track record (15 years) on the coordination of and participation in European projects, such as the FP5 CONFIRM; FP6 RED-IMPACT; FP7 GETMAT, FP7 MAXSIMA, FP7 MatISSE, FP7 MARISA & PELGRIMM; and H2020 BRILLIANT, H2020 ARCADIA, H2020 FREYA, H2020 ASGARD & H2020 SOTERIA projects. The research group will bring into this project their expertise on multiscale modelling of irradiation effects in materials and the development of interaction models for complex alloys (WP9).

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